Thursday, January 12, 2012

That Crazy Seth Godin...

I was going to name this post "I hate Seth Godin"... but then I realized I already have a "I have John Eldredge" post... would hate to establish a pattern...

But he did really annoy me this morning. Just read this, from his blog this morning:

The first thing you do when you sit down at the computer
Let me guess: check the incoming. Check email or traffic stats or messages from your boss. Check the tweets you follow or the FB status of friends.You've just surrendered not only a block of time but your freshest, best chance to start something new.If you're a tech company or a marketer, your goal is to be the first thing people do when they start their day. If you're an artist, a leader or someone seeking to make a difference, the first thing you do should be to lay tracks to accomplish your goals, not to hear how others have reacted/responded/insisted to what happened yesterday

Where does he get off, assuming I do this?

Never mind the fact that he's absolutely right.

I mean, what right does he have to take me to task and shed light on my complacency and consumer mindset?

Who told him he had permission to provoke me out of my malaise? To inspire me to develop productive habits? To challenge me to do what I know deep down is exactly what I should be doing, but have been frankly too fearful and lazy to do it, choosing instead to retreat, and wonder why I have been stuck in this rut for so long?

Seriously. Who does Seth Godin think he is, anyway?

All I know is that the guy really agitated me this morning.

And I am thanking God for him.


Unknown said...

but he wanted you to read his blog first. . .

Sally Ferguson said...

Yes, the internet is a time stealer. And an ingenious gift. It's tough finding a balance for the use of all of the tools at our finger tips!
I'm just down the road from you Nancy, in Jamestown NY. Howdy Neighbor!