Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sugar Shock

Who is STUPID enough to try to give up sugar on Halloween?

This girl here [raising hand].

It all started, see, the day before, at my annual check up... or should I say after the jarring shock of being woken up out of the blissful state of denial I have been in for a good long time as to the reality of my dietary trajectory, and the bad, bad places it is taking me. I guess you could say it started months before, when I embarked on said trajectory, but let's stick to the point.  I was now facing the painful dilemma of deciding which is more depressing:  Dealing with my sugar addiction... or the consequences of NOT dealing with it. 

I think they made a Meryl Streep movie about this. 

So anyway, in a very "uncharacteristic-of-me" fashion, I actually did more than just feel  momentarily "convicted" (code phrase for "feel bad, shrug shoulders and move on")...
I made a quality decision to do the hardest, most ridiculously radical thing I could think to do:  stop eating sugar.  Or at least try. 

So that's just what I did.  A whole day, filled with soup and salad and healthy, hearty, sugar free snackies...  I even bought 4 bags of Halloween candy (the good stuff, too, not the crappy stuff older kids try to pawn off on their younger, naive siblings), and partook of none of it.  What's more, I'll have you know that I actually survived Trick or Treating with my daughter, without so much as stealing a fun-sized Snickers when she wasn't looking (don't act like you've never done this).  Proud of myself, I was...

And then it was time to go to Grandma's house.  Grandma, who has never read the Purpose Driven Life, but if she had, would find that hers is somehow connected to showering the people she loves with food, glorious food... including an ever exploding cornucopia of dessert items

It was seriously like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. Every time I turned it around:
Finally, having made it through the horrific labyrinth of high glycemia, as we are departing, with my hand nearly on the doorknob...
[SCREECH! SCREECH! SCREECH!]   SHE HOLDS OUT A CARTON (yes, a CARTON) of CUPCAKES... expecting us to take them home.
She has since been locked in the basement. 
But the important thing is, I did it. At least for one day. All things considered, though, I think I should get a medallion or something like they give out in AA, to have survived this highest holy day of complex carbohydrate consumption.
  If I accomplish nothing else in life, I can say I have done this one thing.   Or, maybe I could set the bar a little higher and see if I can keep going.  I'm already 36 hours in... Who knows? 


Mindy said...

Oh, girl. You are speaking to my heart. My sugar-addicted, sweet-craving, cake-decorating heart. I have the worst time with this addiction...and I struggle with it daily. Right down to tortilla chips and breads, frankly...because what I want is that starchy-sweet goodness, in any form. I made it 21 days with not one slip-up recently. No sugar. No flour. No meat. If I can do that, I promise, whatever you decide, you can do it. But have a plan. The plan is key. (Also...I love reading what you write. ;) ) And now, I'm off to make a plan of my own...

Fairytale Cupcakes said...

Very proud of you, Nancy!! And, I, too, love reading what you write! Once you put it out there, as you have, you have a better chance of enduring. Remember, we're all watching you and will live through you vicariously, until we have the courage that it takes to do just what you have done! I'll be bringing raw veggies to the Monday night Bible Study, moving forward to not temp you with my cupcakes. Besides, I don't want to be locked in the basement with your mom! Lol! God Bless! Miki Wheeler

Nancy Ann said...

Ladies, you encourage me. I may fall flat on my face with this, but it is a risk worth taking...
and if it ends up encouraging anyone else, then glory to God for using weak and foolish me! ;^)