Friday, April 24, 2009

"Hate" Speech

I hate offending people.

I really do.

But sometimes, when I state my sincere and deeply held beliefs, it offends people... Like I said, I hate that.

But it raises a question: Which do I hate more, offending people, or suppressing my deeply held beliefs for fear of offending people? Which would I rather sacrifice: free speech, or the semblence of "getting along"?

I suppose then, it becomes a question of timing, and motive. What has prompted me to speak? Am I just obnoxiously shooting my mouth off (very well could be, it has been known to happen, um several times)... Am I like a college freshman who celebrates her new found freedom to stay up as late as I want, eat whatever I want, study/don't study whenever I want, just because I can? "It's MY right, after all, nana nanaaaana!" Cause that, I'm thinkin, just might constitute abuse of said freedom. That would be bad.

"It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that's how freedom grows. For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?"
Galatians 5:13

Geepers, I don't want to ravage or annihilate anyone. But what if someone else has inititated the discussion? Do I have a right to respond? What if my opinion seems antithetical to the person I am responding to? They may not like me. They may label me as a this "wing" or that "wing" extremist. Ah, the "wings". I hate the "wings". I hate being labeled. I also hate being misunderstood. As soon as we start with the labeling, that's it, no more effort to understand the other side, then boom, end of civil discussion. I have done both, by the way (the labeling and misunderstanding thing). I hate that.

Then there's the question of timing. Maybe I'm "right" as rain, as they say... but is this the best time to say it? Yikes, this one really hurts. My timing can be pretty bad. I can be pretty insensitive. "Yeah but, I'm righ...." Yeah but nothing. Sometimes its best to just SHUT UP, NANCY.

"To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.... "
The Byrds (oh yeah, and Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Ok, so what if, to the best of my judgment, I have passed the timing and motive test, but STILL end up offending people? Gosh I really hate that. Now what do I do? They are still questioning my motives! How dare they? Who do they think... wait, am I doing the same thing? Am I certain I am not questioning THEIR motives? Crap. I do that sometimes, God, don't I? ("Sometimes?" I hear You say?)

Yeah, but I need to vindicate myself, don't I?

"Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage..."
Philippians 2:3

Oh, come on, God! [sigh] Ok, I suppose you're right...

So then, what? I suppose this means my freedom to speak my offensive beliefs is better exercised when I am more concerned about being faithful to YOU than than defending myself? But it still doesn't mean I won't end up offending people (have I mentioned how I hate to offend people?)

The whole thing makes my stomach churn a little. Like I said, I hate to be hated. I like to be liked. That's the way it should be... everyone always getting along, holding hands and singing harmoniously,euphorically, like in that Coca Cola commerical circa 1970 something (come on, everybody, sing along with me now: "I'd like to buy the world a Coke..." ok, I digress. Sorry)

But then there's that whole troubling statement:

"The world will hate you (that is, me and anyone who follows YOU)
because of Me (that is, You)."
Luke 21:17

So let's see if I understand this: if I hold true to God's Word, even if I try to do it in the most loving way possible, I am going to not only be misunderstood, but hated? Well, that sucks.

It's just too much work to keep everyone happy. It seems like it would be easier to just roll over and let everyone else have their opinions, and keep mine to myself.

But you know what I really hate?

I hate that I can't do that. In the end, I guess I don't hate being hated as much as I thought. What I really hate is the thought of betraying what I believe with all my heart is true. I believe in the Bible. I believe what is says is true. I know that offends some people. Heck, I think it offends a lot of people, and if what the Bible says really is true, it's going to offend more and more people as time goes on. If I can't keep everyone happy, and I can't deny my faith in God's Word... what am I to do? What is left to say to those who disagree with me? Who misunderstand me? Who even... gulp... hate me?

"And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.
(AND I DARE SAY, TO ME... my edit!)
Only let us live up to what we have already attained."
Philippians 3:15-16

I guess that's going to have to be ok for now.

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